Posts in Parenting
When You Don't Feel Like Celebrating

Has there been a time in your life when you just didn’t feel like celebrating? I understand.

I understand the desire to avoid celebrating, because of fears and disappointments alike. The exhaustion is real along with the desire to push joy away, put on our comfy winter pants, and wallow in the frustration of it all.

But, this holiday season, what if we pushed through, and found a reason to celebrate anyway?

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Don't Miss It

After a difficult conversation recently, I came home and wrote these words down. It reminded me of a prayer I whispered daily during a difficult season.

When things didn’t change right away, I knew I still had a choice. I could either be intentional to lean fully into those years, appreciating what was right in front of me, or I could wish them away completely, missing the meaningful, soul-shaping years that they were.

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Embracing the Hard Questions

Is God real? Why can I not see him?

These are several questions I’ve received from my children over the years. It can be easy for us to be afraid of the difficult questions, because we may not have the “right” answer. In this post I share some personal examples of how God revealed himself in some uncomfortable moments. Read and be encouraged to embrace the hard questions.

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A Sure Foundation

On a recent hike the questions kept coming. We sat as a family admiring the strength of this hardened magma and all I could think about is that this is the kind of foundation I want my life built upon.

This is the kind of foundation I want my kids to build their lives upon: a foundation that stands firm even when the sun is beating incessantly down upon their weary journeys. The kind of foundation that can still support when every comfort is stripped, every rational thought taken, every dollar lost. The kind of foundation that withstands erosion from the harshest storm.

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