Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up? Here I’m sharing an honest confession, and one sure way to fight against the lies that hold you back.
Read MoreIn need of a reset, but don’t know where to start?
I’m not talking about a diet, but sustainable rhythms that will help you in ways you’ve never thought about before. Here I share a few ideas, including helpful tips, for an effective reset.
Read MoreThe past few weeks have been historically challenging for our country and our families. We may not have all of the answers to individual questions, but each of us are grasping for understanding in the midst of constant confusion. Where we fix our eyes matters. Here’s why.
Read MoreHas there been a time in your life when you just didn’t feel like celebrating? I understand.
I understand the desire to avoid celebrating, because of fears and disappointments alike. The exhaustion is real along with the desire to push joy away, put on our comfy winter pants, and wallow in the frustration of it all.
But, this holiday season, what if we pushed through, and found a reason to celebrate anyway?
Read MoreThe holidays always remind us of traditions. As life continues to evolve, so may our traditions.
Here are a few important things to remember, and some fun ideas for you as you set traditions for your own family this year.
Read MoreHow do you mark this season?
If you are looking for a deeper, richer meaning behind the Christmas season, then look no further. I invite you to learn more about the season of Advent here.
Read MoreIn celebration of an upcoming anniversary, I’m opening up about marriage. Here you will read a vulnerable confession: one sure way to wreck your marriage, and one way to save it. Check it out.
Read MoreThis week I’m answering a frequently asked question: How do you balance it all?
In response, I’m sharing three guiding principles I use on the daily.
Read MoreWhat’s your favorite room in your house? Mine might surprise you.
In the midst of chaos, we must be intentional to carve out a space to be quiet. Here’s why.
Read MoreAre you more comfortable living behind the scenes, or do you wish you could always live in the spotlight?
Here I explain how the changing leaves witnessed last week affirm God's purpose in my life, even when my days go unnoticed.
Read MoreAfter a difficult conversation recently, I came home and wrote these words down. It reminded me of a prayer I whispered daily during a difficult season.
When things didn’t change right away, I knew I still had a choice. I could either be intentional to lean fully into those years, appreciating what was right in front of me, or I could wish them away completely, missing the meaningful, soul-shaping years that they were.
Read MoreAfter a recent event in my local community, I realized that human trafficking happens right under our nose every day. Read here to learn more and to sign up for two important Webinars. It’s never too late to start doing something.
Read MoreOne of the most important skills we can develop for ourselves and teach our children is how to identify statements as true or false. Formal logic lessons are not the only way. We need to ask ourselves these questions as we seek to live lives based on sure promises rather than faulty premises. Read more here.
Read MoreHow can I find a sustainable rhythm in the midst of the constant pressures to keep up, keep going, and keep sane?
How can we keep the light shining in the midst of the surrounding darkness of unknowns?
How can joy continue to permeate even our most challenging of days?
Read here for the answer.
Read MoreDo you need the reminder today that God can re-purpose your callings, your giftings, and your goals to make something beautiful? Here I share three promises to stand on when you feel like giving up.
Read MoreAn unexpected package arrived at my door last week, and what seemed insignificant at the time has left me with some significant reminders for the school year ahead.
If you are a parent today, may I remind you of something important? Check out this post to read what, why, and how it has nothing to do with Homeschooling.
Read MoreWould you consider yourself a pioneer?
With the increasingly difficult unknowns around every turn, I am reminded that we have the opportunity to fix our eyes on truth as we navigate the days ahead and enter uncharted territory. Read and be encouraged to press on.
Read MoreIs God real? Why can I not see him?
These are several questions I’ve received from my children over the years. It can be easy for us to be afraid of the difficult questions, because we may not have the “right” answer. In this post I share some personal examples of how God revealed himself in some uncomfortable moments. Read and be encouraged to embrace the hard questions.
Read MoreIt’s summer and this year more families are braving road trips than ever before.
Take a look at our family’s tips and tricks for a fun-filled journey. Before you get back on the road again…read this!
Read MoreOn a recent hike the questions kept coming. We sat as a family admiring the strength of this hardened magma and all I could think about is that this is the kind of foundation I want my life built upon.
This is the kind of foundation I want my kids to build their lives upon: a foundation that stands firm even when the sun is beating incessantly down upon their weary journeys. The kind of foundation that can still support when every comfort is stripped, every rational thought taken, every dollar lost. The kind of foundation that withstands erosion from the harshest storm.
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