Three Promises To Keep You Going

Sitting with books strewn and papers scattered, I glanced toward the head of our ten foot kitchen table and studied my 13 year old as she diligently tended to her daily assignments. The recycled wood that now provides a sturdy foundation for our school work, family dinners, and friend gatherings reminds me of how much is repurposed along life’s journey. My college degree that once equipped me to steward finances for large corporations, is presently used for stewarding the gifts of school-aged children and our precious time together. My mind once occupied with client engagements and marketing proposals is now filled with engaging the hearts under my roof while it is still possible to catch their ear.

In countless seasons, the list of ‘things I would like to do’ has outnumbered the list of ‘things that seem possible right now’. If I’m not careful to remind myself of the why, discouragement and doubt threaten to crowd out every grateful thought and cause me to be paralyzed in my vision for the future. Over dinner with friends last night I was reminded that while my oldest is a confident, independent 8th grader this year, in many ways, I am starting back at the very beginning with a fully dependent five year old in Kindergarten.

Our conversation spanned a myriad of topics from class schedules to a recent Grand-baby being born. While listening and contributing to stories shared around our table, I was silently thinking through the fact that the journey of motherhood doesn’t end as a child launches into the world. Since parenting isn’t exactly a job you retire from in your 60s, it begs the question: “How is this journey of parenthood sustainable?”

How do we continue on when we are up every single night with children driving, late for a curfew, or needing a drink of water? How do we continue when demands pull on us from every angle and squeeze out any free time whatsoever? How do we strengthen our marriages in the comings and goings of daily life? When will we be able to tackle those dreams and goals sitting on the ‘not yet’ shelf?

While I don’t have an answer for each formed question, I do rest on the following promises that allow me to continue in this season and trust His purposes with the ones to come.

  1. there is no season wasted.

Even in a season with older children slightly less dependent on me, many things remain that cannot be enjoyed fully. In fact, just this year I decided to place some writing goals on the back burner as I tend to more pressing needs in front of me. While I can sit with discouragement and play around with “if only” thoughts, I know that is not beneficial. This verse has become my sword to help me fight any looming disappointment. It is armed with His promises and His truth that as I attend to the calling placed on my life today as a mother, He is faithful to complete his purposes for me. There is no time limit on his love or his plans for me. Thus, I can joyfully enter each day knowing that where I live, the ages of my children, and even my financial situation are all apart of His design for my life.

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.” Psalm 138:8 ESV


2. even still, you will be refreshed.

Whether you are a parent today or not, you know there is a cost to serving. Serving in the community, serving a friend, or serving at a local church can all take it’s toll in time. However, we can also testify that for the most part, the very areas that are the most challenging tend to also be the greatest blessings in our life. Children are no exception. Motherhood is not an either/or journey; it is a both/and journey. It is both wonderful and challenging. It is both exhausting and rewarding. As the call to serve continues, I am reminded of this Proverb.

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25

Even as my weary head hits the pillow at night, He is working to refresh me with his love and grace, so that I am able to wake up ready to begin again. May we be encouraged that as we continue to pour out, we will experience a great reward of finding our well full and our cup overflowing.

We are taught here the great lesson that to get, we must give; to accumulate, we must scatter; to make ourselves happy, we must make others happy; and in order to become spiritually vigorous, we must seek the spiritual good of others.” - Charles Spurgeon

3. he will restore barren years.

Make no mistake, there will be years of drought. A wandering wilderness will characterize a season or two in each of our lives. Years may pass where we experience no fruit from the time invested or seeds planted. The days may feel more painful than hopeful. Take heart, friends, and hold this promise close today. Whether in your life or in the life of someone you love, God’s story over you is one of hope and restoration. Those goals, dreams, plans and expectations may just seem like wishful thoughts scribbled on a page somewhere and filed deep below a folder labeled, ‘real life’. May I remind you, as I remind myself, that He is the Author of your story. If not one thing happens according to your list, your life will still be one of great beauty and great purpose because the God who created you knows exactly what will make your heart sing in time.

“I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…” Joel 2:25

I know well the years that you wish you could write yourself. I know well the years that you would simply rather not live through, and just fast forward to the easier ones. I know well the years that don’t make any sense whatsoever, and the ones that seem to drag on endlessly. In the midst of the wandering, waiting and wondering, He is still working. He is still writing. This extra time may be exactly what is needed to prepare you and I for the gifts to come.


On a recent hike, we came across this tree, planted smack dab in the midst of a rock. To me, it seems an odd place to grow something of beauty. How are it’s roots nourished? How will it find water to grow? Perhaps God receives the most glory when we don’t have all of the answers and can just trust Him to provide.

Be encouraged today friends. He is a God of re-purposing: He re-purposes our giftings, He re-purposes our plans, He re-puposes our timing for His glory. He reminds us that His plan will prevail. Now, let’s take it one day and one promise at a time. Press on, friends.