Posts in Parenting
Learning Life Skills

Now that I am about to have a teenager in the house, my focus has switched from past growth to future goals. Here I share with you about a new Life Skills Worksheet that can be downloaded now for FREE.

I created this tool to help families with children at any age have a focused plan for learning and responsibility in the home. Grab it here!

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Beloved: Exchange Your Title

I smiled, but deep in my heart I felt the same way. I minimized my role. I didn’t feel like I had anything of value to contribute.

There are many areas where we can feel on the sidelines watching every one else move forward with a life we think will be fulfilling. If you've ever struggled to feel significant in the role that you have, then it's time to exchange it for a new title. May I encourage you to exchange it for this one?

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Won't You Be My Neighbor

This one line, sung not stated, catapults me back to one of my favorite childhood TV shows.

With one lyrical line sung to a catchy tune, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” sent influential messages from Mr. Fred Rogers, who lived out of what he believed. What we believe informs the kind of neighbor we are to those God has placed in our lives. Here I share real stories from NYC to Texas and encourage you to think about how real needs can usher us into real relationships.

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Character Training

It starts in the newborn phase when you are figuring out how to just get a full night’s sleep, for the love of all things good and holy. When it comes to parenting, hands down the part that I consider one of the most important aspects, and that usually gets the least amount of focus, is the character training.

Here I share five areas to focus on, including two of my favorite resources for investing in the character of your child.

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Measuring Our Days

When the celebrations are cancelled and the awards kept in boxes, how do we measure the value of our days? How do we help our children measure the countless hours of study, words read or papers written without a ceremony, designation or distinguishing letters accompanying your name?

The quarantine season has left us all with a myriad of questions, not the least of which begs us to analyze the way we have become accustomed to stewarding our days.

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Grow in Confidence

We know it is an honor and privilege to become a parent. We can see that precious face staring at us and the truth resonates that this child will now look to you as a guide, in addition to the source of their next meal. Gulp. You have prayed your way through an emotional adoption process or a 10 month pregnancy, but the question remains, “Now what?”

Not one of us is ever fully equipped for the journey of parenting, so how do we gain confidence in our role? Here are a few ways.

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