Posts in Faith
Embracing the Hard Questions

Is God real? Why can I not see him?

These are several questions I’ve received from my children over the years. It can be easy for us to be afraid of the difficult questions, because we may not have the “right” answer. In this post I share some personal examples of how God revealed himself in some uncomfortable moments. Read and be encouraged to embrace the hard questions.

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A Sure Foundation

On a recent hike the questions kept coming. We sat as a family admiring the strength of this hardened magma and all I could think about is that this is the kind of foundation I want my life built upon.

This is the kind of foundation I want my kids to build their lives upon: a foundation that stands firm even when the sun is beating incessantly down upon their weary journeys. The kind of foundation that can still support when every comfort is stripped, every rational thought taken, every dollar lost. The kind of foundation that withstands erosion from the harshest storm.

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Casting Your Burdens

After feeling burdened this week for the growing needs around me, I was reminded that even while bearing one another’s burdens we have an opportunity to cast our cares on One who promises to carry them for us.

Anyone who has gone fishing can testify that the art of casting is a tricky skill to master and can threaten to steal the joy of the entire journey.

May I encourage you to experience the sustaining power of God by casting your burdens on the One who can carry them? What does it look like for you to cast more and carry less?

Read more here.

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It Is Worth Our Looking

How long will it be this way?

The undefined timetable of this life we have come to know over the past few months is what stings the most. How long will we fear connection, how long will the days be filled with increasing unknowns or how long will our prayers hang without clear answers?

If there ever has been a time to turn our eyes to a reality beyond our day to day it is now.

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Won't You Be My Neighbor

This one line, sung not stated, catapults me back to one of my favorite childhood TV shows.

With one lyrical line sung to a catchy tune, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” sent influential messages from Mr. Fred Rogers, who lived out of what he believed. What we believe informs the kind of neighbor we are to those God has placed in our lives. Here I share real stories from NYC to Texas and encourage you to think about how real needs can usher us into real relationships.

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Don't Forget to Breathe

So cliché, this phrase tends to lose significance.

However, during this season more than any other, I talk through what it looks like to view the very act of breathing as the miracle that it is. We are all invited to breathe differently. Here I explain what that can look like for you and for me.

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Sheltering in Christ

These unprecedented times overwhelmingly remind us that no matter where you live or what your background, you will feel sacrifice and suffering in some way. Suffering is a universal state that is common to humanity and was, no doubt, before any Coronavirus entered the scene.

Here I share three specific and reassuring comforts that come from finding shelter in the person of Jesus. I pray these encourage your heart and strengthen your trust in the refuge that is always available to you.

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Finding an Anchor

Over a month ago as I planned my intentions for the weeks leading up to Easter, this week was a time I wanted to focus on memorizing scripture. This also happens to be the week that I find myself waking up at 4am consistently filled with swirling anxious thoughts. Maybe I am not alone.

In this post, I reflect on Psalm 119 and am reminded to treasure the word of God in my heart to lead us through the battles ahead.

Maybe you will find that anchor your heart is longing for in this season and begin to hide it in your heart for the journey.

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Keeping a Posture of Prayer

At a time when our calendar is clear, our pantry is stocked (for now) and our fears heightened, how we posture our hearts will determine what we model for those around us. How we posture our hearts will reveal who or what we are trusting in to get us through. For me, I am intentionally pursuing the discipline of remaining in a posture of prayer, and invite you to join me.

Here are a few resources that I am using to deepen my prayer life and thought I’d share.

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How to Live Full

Last week we considered together how to stay hungry for that which truly fulfills. The fact remains, however, that we can be completely full and yet our souls can be empty. So, how do we continue growing in seasons of plenty?

How does the good news of what Jesus accomplished not lose its significance in the moments of ease?

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How To Stay Hungry

While not true for everyone, many of us live with enough resources to meet our own daily needs while satisfying our own bellies and pursuing our own daily pleasures.

This question haunted me one day: Could it be that one of the main reasons we don’t hunger after something greater is because we are so easily stuffed full with lesser things? Here I discuss what it would look like to say no to something in order to say yes to the One who truly satisfies.

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The Art of Waiting

“All things on earth need to be renewed. No created thing continues by itself…” - Charles Spurgeon

I am writing goals, setting plans and am filled with the excitement of a new year, but I am also reminded that what I need even more is ‘reNEWal’. Renewing my mind by focusing on the things of God, not man. Renewing my body with things that fuel it well to run the race. Renewing my soul by asking myself often, how can I wait well?

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