Posts in Education
Where To Find Joy Here and Now

“What do you need to surrender?” Her question echoed through the microphone and searched my heart.

I sat while my mind invited the Spirit to search my heart. Before getting on a plane and entering back into real life, what was God asking me to surrender to increase my agility and joy along this faithful race?

While several areas came to mind, one clearly stood out.

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Three Ways to Shape Your Child's Heart Toward Generosity

There is no better time to begin shaping your child’s heart for generosity than now. The holiday season ushers us into the spirit of giving like none other, yet it’s threatened by our desires to get. We all feel the tension.

So, as parents, how can we model generosity as a family at this time of year and beyond? Here are three helpful ways I’ve found to do just that, along with some resources to get you started.

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For the One Wondering If God Sees All You Do

In my prayers, I began presenting God my platters of good deeds, sacrifices, and accomplishments, and expected Him to return my offering with earthly blessing, favor, and gain. As time passed, life grew arduous. Soon I discovered the only variable increasing in my life was bitterness.

Did God even see all that I was doing? Did He even care?

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What Size is Your God: Remembering From Where Your Strength and Joy Comes

This sweet conversation between my husband and seven year old gifted clarity for me this week, and reminded me that where I place my greatest affections in this life will not only determine the path I follow, but determine the size of my God.

Are you feeling weary at the start of another month, a new season, or another day? Read this, remember who your God is, and find strength and joy again for your next step.

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How to Finish Strong When Exhaustion is Real

I am confident we are all in desperate need for a summer sabbath, so I’m reflecting on these questions today:

  • How can I finish the school year strong?

  • How can I enter into a restful summer that allows for an exhale of restoration and adventure?

  • How can I better prepare for the fall without wanting to give up right now?

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Three Ways to Manage Your Appetite in the New Year

I’m not a huge fan of resolutions. To me it feels like they are made to be broken, but I do love reflection questions and growth goals to work towards each year. So, this year, I’m evaluating my appetite:

  • How can I acquire an appetite for the new?

  • How can I enhance my appetite for that which is truly valuable?

  • How can I regulate my appetite so that it is sustainable?

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The Blessing of Sibling Rivalry

It has always existed and it will always be apart of our life on earth: conflict. The past few weeks have been peppered with more incidents of sibling rivalry in my home and it’s drawn us more deeply into a conversation of creation than I would have expected.

Here I share the one truth that has helped provide perspective and wisdom in this area of rivalry.

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