When You Discover Your True Purpose

I guess I’ve always been a connector. You know, someone who introduces others when it seems like they were always meant to be connected.

Malcom Gladwell’s book, The Tipping Point, first came out in 2000 and introduced me to this term. Doesn’t that age me!? He describes people in one of three categories: the connector (social networking expert), the maven (information guru), and the salesman (ideal persuader).

According to Gladwell, “connectors are the people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions. They usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles. They are people who ‘link us up with the world...people with a special gift for bringing the world together’.”


Without a doubt, this role as connector has helped me walk through college, navigate my career in Manhattan, and mother four kids. While God has used many relationships to help shape and bless me along life’s way, there remain times when being a connector doesn’t feel like a gift. Instead it feels like my value is all about the connection and less about well, me.

However, I’ve come to appreciate this gift in light of the fullness of God.

In scripture, my heart is always searching for how God uses various people in a variety of ways to accomplish His purposes.

I think about those stories like Moses, who accomplished unparalleled miracles and connected the Egyptians with the promised land, but never stepped one foot in it himself. I think about Rahab who connected the spies with the promised land and in turn was spared from the suffering of her people, but then we never hear of her again. I think about the men and women who forged key relationships for Paul and Timothy that connected them to others laboring to spread the good news of Jesus, yet we do not know the connectors by name nor the specifics of their contributions.

I’m thankful that they have a purpose just the same. Some known others unknown, yet all significant not because of their name and accomplishments but because God used them for His purposes to bring blessing to others.

As I scan Instagram, I’m always struck by the number of scriptures and references that tell us that the good news of Jesus is about us. It is about our dreams. It is about our happiness. It is about obtaining our version of success. But as someone who has wrestled through this over the years and sat with God’s Word, I think it’s important to remember, that the good news of Jesus isn’t about us at all; it is for us. That clarification makes all of the difference as we seek to share the love of God with others.

It's Not About You.png

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit with someone who is a mentor in the field of writing and publishing. She listened while I shared the stories and dreams God has placed on my heart, then God used her words to drive home what I’ve known all along. These dreams you have, this path you have chosen, they aren’t about you. It’s always about someone else, how you can help them and bring them alongside you in this journey, reminding them of their true purpose in light of eternity.

I smiled and thanked God for yet another reminder. Maybe you need it today too.

Your marriage isn’t just about you.

Your parenting isn’t just about you.

Your dreams aren’t just about you.

Your work isn’t just about you.

Your talents aren’t just about you.

Your bank account isn’t just for you.

The good news is that these gifts in your life are given by God to be used for Him in your various spheres of influence.

Knowing this, let’s walk forward confident that the trials, the battles, the celebrations, and the awards are not about us, but they are providing an opportunity to use them for the good of others.

When your perspective shifts to blessing others with the gifts in your life, you might discover that your heart grows in satisfaction and you can say with confidence—He’s given you just enough.

Just enough time. Just enough money. Just enough support.

You have been given the perfect gifts in the right proportions to execute that which He calls you to today.

In that light, let’s all embrace our role as a connector of God’s love to those around us. It might just be what you were created for all along.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10 ESV