Five Simple Rhythms For Reaching the Heart of Your Child

As parents, it can feel exhausting to attempt to connect with a child on different levels. While there is no shortcut to authentic relationships, allow these simple rhythms to help you reach your child’s heart and keep the conversations going.

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5 Ways to Make Space for Wonder This Holiday Season

Pursuing the concept of “less is more” is much easier said than done, especially during the holiday season. After all, there are so many good things; how can we say no? Yet, if we aren’t careful, we will cram the merry and bright into the following days at risk of losing the wonder of it altogether.

Allow these tips to help you pursue a minimal yet full Christmas, making space for wonder through it all.

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When You Need a Harvest of Hope in Seasons of Waiting

The holidays and the final days of the year draw near. As we prepare to celebrate with joy, chances are disappointments remain from unaccomplished goals, unanswered prayers, and unexpected challenges. We long to see fruit from the work of our hands this year, but what happens when there is no harvest yet?

Maybe we need a harvest of hope. Allow these faithful next steps to help you give thanks when you’re waiting for the harvest.

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How to Fight Your Fear of Failure so God Can Take You Further

What keeps me stagnant in my faith is often not the fear of unknowns but the fear of failure. It has taken years of wrestling to understand that my hesitancy to say yes to where God is calling me lies in my propensity to trust in my own performance over his presence. But in his Word, God reminds us that we are called to go deeper on our journey of faith, and he promises to lead us himself.

So, if you feel stagnant today, stuck even, allow these encouraging reminders to help you fight your fear of failure so God can take you further.

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5 Truths About God To Anchor You When You Feel Lost

Life becomes confusing when it takes a turn onto a road we never expected to drive down. Sometimes, new seasons feel scary and leave us feeling lost. How can we navigate with assurance and confidence when the path ahead is unclear? Allow these five truths about God to anchor you when you feel lost and provide peace for your faithful next step.

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When You Wish God Would Tell You What To Do

We pray for a sign, a scripture, something to give us clarity at a crossroads. Can’t God just tell us what to do? If God told nothing to become something in the creation story, perhaps he has, as Saint Augustine a Christian philosopher calls it, a “divine imperative” for us too.

When you wish God would tell you what to do, perhaps one of these divine imperatives or commands will speak to your heart and help you rest or take the next step with clarity.

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10 Strategies to Connect With Your Child Through the Art of Conversation

As parents who desire connection with our children at a deeper level, it’s helpful to remember that there are layers to a conversation, much like water. We have a choice: slowly wade into the shallow or dive headfirst into the deep. Since not all circumstances allow for diving into the deep, here are ten strategies to better connect with your child and foster the art of conversation.

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How To Keep Giving When You Lack Time and Money

My budget shows red, and my energy is overdrawn. As the spring recedes and gives way to summer, I feel like I’m running low on all of my resources.

This passage from the gospel of Mark reminded me of a woman who gave out of her poverty not abundance, and I wonder if it might have a word for us as we seek to keep giving despite our lack.

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3 Ways for Busy Moms to Consistently Flourish in Their Faith

Our calendar consistently needs more margin, especially this time of year. As spring activities and school events dominate, it’s easy to feel like a participant in a mad dash toward the finish line.

Solitude? Quiet? Prayer? We know we need them, but finding space for them remains pretty challenging. Yet it matters not only for the health of our souls but also for the health of our families. So, here are three ways for busy moms to consistently flourish in their faith, creating space for the seemingly impossible yet spiritually essential.

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When You're Desperate For Renewal

Heading into spring each year, I feel a deep sense of longing for the same things: warmth on my face, green in the landscape, and color along the paths. Do you feel it, too? The promise of a new season is captivating, yet perhaps we remain discouraged from seasons past.

Spring reminds us how God faithfully breathes newness into dry bones, barren gardens, and weary hearts alike. So, if you, too, are desperate for renewal, look to these three places and be encouraged by how God is working anew in your life.

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Shawna SullivanComment
Five Prayers to Create Space for God to Move in the New Year

At the end of every year, expectations run high as to what the new year holds. We want to work out more, eat less, and finally focus on that dream we keep putting off. Before we know it, the calendar fills with plans and expectations, yet sometimes, we don’t stop to ask God what He desires for us. So, as we approach the new year, let us position our hearts with these five prayers, seek to hold plans loosely, and create space for God to move.

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